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Tips to Find Calmness in Crazy Times

It’s a very charged time in our world right now.  What happens all around us in our macro environment affects our microenvironment.  Here are some of my favorite tips to create calmness when we feel overwhelmed.

  1. PAUSE: Take a moment before taking any action.  Reflect, breathe and come back into balance before creating more fires that may create adverse affects for you.
  2. Control What You can Control:  Most things in our world we can’t control.  What you can control, you should control.  Create a beautiful work + home.  Choose nourishing friendships.  Create a routine in the morning and at night that allows you peace.
  3. Walk:  Taking a walk with your cell phone off can bring a lot of calmness.
  4.  SLOW DOWN: When life is going 100mph, slow down your actions so you aren’t taken by the whirlwind.  Conscious walk slower, speak slower and take longer and deeper breathes.
  5. Lavender oil:  Add a few drops of lavender oil to your favorite lotion and rub on your feet before bed.

Make sure to create space for yourself when life is in a tailspin.  Even a few minutes to yourself can make a world of difference in how you respond, versus react to a situation.

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Dr. Karuna Sabnani 2016.
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