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7 Good Reasons Why You May Need Supplements


Most people think that eating a balanced diet gives them all the nutrients they need to stay healthy.  In an ideal world, where the soil was nutritious and our lives were stress and city free, this may be the case.  In truth, supplementing vitamins & minerals are key in the fast paced lives many of us live.  In their high quality form, with proper guidance, you can feel a lot better when you take vitamins & minerals you need

Here are some reasons why we need extra ‘vitamins & minerals’:


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1) Deficient Digestion:  Do you eat too fast?  Bloating? Gas? Diarrhea? You may not be absorbing all the food you eat and inefficient digestion can interfere with the uptake of vitamins.

2) Caffeine/Spicy Food Intake:  People who drink caffeine on a regular basis can irritate their gut lining, same for extra spicy, pungent food on a regular basis.  This can disrupt the extraction of vitamins & minerals from food.

3) Alcohol: Everyone knows this is damaging to the liver, but it also wears down the gut lining and effects absorption and availability of nutrients. Heavy drinking increases the body’s need for B vitamins and antioxidants not to mention minerals such as Magnesium & Zinc.

4) Fad Diets, Fad Detoxes & Fat Free Diets: When you do diets that only allow you to eat ‘3 things’, you can miss out on entire food groups, vitamin groups and mineral groups.  Vegans and Vegetarians must especially keep an eye on b12 and b6 – essential for the nervous system & mood.

5) Overcooking of Undercooking Food:  There must be a balance of raw to cooked food based on Season and your digestion level.  The raw food diet causes havoc on most people’s digestive systems and thus health, they end up being really deficient in many nutrients.  On the flip side, only eating cooked meat & potatoes and not introducing fresh greens/ properly cooked meat (keeping it rare when called for) also keeps you from the vital vitamins you need.  Choose steaming over boiling to prevent leaching of water soluble vitamins and STAY AWAY FROM THE MICROWAVE!

6) Antibiotics:  When needed, antibiotics can be live saving.  Most people have taken them too often and worn down their digestive systems.  B-Vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal wall, so if you have a history of taking antibiotics more than 5x, looking in the B-Vitamin group is a start, as is of course, healing your gut!

7) Processed foods & Fast Foods:  Better to stay away from these foods all together, but if you are still buying packaged foods – keep them to a minimum.  Often times highly refined foods use sugar/flour/etc.. which will not only require the body more energy to process, but also doesn’t provide quality nutrition to the body over time.  It’s not ‘food’.

Dr. Karuna Sabnani 2016.
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