14-Day Detox
Looking for a simple & short do-it-yourself detox program you can start today?
Is this you?
- Feeling down because your skin is breaking out?
- Want to lose extra weight and fit better into your clothes?
- Want help to ‘press refresh’ on your life and get rid of that sluggishness?
- Looking for more energy and relief from ‘burnout’? Tired of being TIRED?
- Have chronic bad breath?
- Are you on the go 24/7 and would love to cleanse but never have enough ‘time’?
- Need a jump start to get relief from your allergies, grogginess, and your diet confusion.
- Want to look and feel good?
Easy Instructions. Do-it-yourself Cleanse. What You Will Do:
Drink 2 Shakes a day: 1) Morning 2) Choose: lunch or dinner
Have a healthy lunch • Have healthy snacks •Menu of options given to you
Supplements given to help with detox & reduce digestive bloat/gas • take as directed
The shake is delicious and easy to mix. The on-the-go BlenderBottle is great for travel.
False Notions of a Cleanse. Break the Myths: MYTH: I will be starving for 14 days. FACT: You will feel satisfied and thoroughly nourished throughout the cleanse! MYTH: I will be drinking disgusting shakes and eating bland food. FACT: The goal of this cleanse is to help you incorporate healthy whole foods into your diet, reduce the amount of foods that do not serve you well, and provide nourishing to your liver…the main organ of detoxification! MYTH: I will be in the bathroom ‘eliminating’ all day. FACT: The cleanse will help if you have digestive problems such as gas, constipation, and/or heartburn. It will re-boot your digestive system! MYTH: I have to stop my life to do a detox program. FACT: This is a gentle and safe program that can be done while you are working and carrying on with your day-to-day life!
The Potential Benefits of doing this 14 Day DETOX:
- You will feel lighter & clear headed. You will have more time since your meal plan will be mapped out for you.
- You will feel you have a simple way to start losing some weight and feel comfortable in your body & clothes.
- For the ladies, you will feel a reduction in PMS symptoms, bloating, headaches and hormonal breakouts!
- You will feel a Beauty Revival: softer hair, clearer skin, brighter eyes and happier mood; and yes guys, women love that about a man.
- You will feel your skin regain luster & regain a ‘youthful’ glow.
- You will feel a reduction in bloating & constipation.
- An easy way to rid your body of extra fat. Cleanse harmful toxins & chemicals which are absorbed in your body through the air you breathe in your environment, the food you eat and the water that you drink.
- Cleanse your body deeply with a few specific natural supplements and rejuvenate your sense of well-being.
What do I do to get started on the 14-Day Detox?
- The kit will arrive to you a few days after you order it.
- You will get your own instruction booklet with simple step-by-step instructions, menu, shopping list and menu samples.
- Take all the natural supplements in the kit as directed in your booklet according to the schedule given.
- Do some movement of your choice daily.
- Look at our FAQs page if you need additional support.
- Feel better in your body and mind and enjoy the process!
- Read testimonials here.
Take control of your health & beauty!
Get the 14-Day Detox & FREE TDD E-book
Price is $250.00 FREE SHIPPING Included.